U Lab
U Lab

Research program

The U Lab program is designed to promote the transformation of the university by teachers-researchers and researchers proposing high-quality innovations that respond to the challenges of our time. The following incubations will start in October 2022.


The U Lab program will incubate at the Learning Planet Institut new training projects to support UP's teachers-researchers and doctoral students wishing to innovate or develop innovations in the science-society field and in particular in the interactions between the university and the city.

Proposals are particularly expected to integrate :

  • Project-based teaching.
  • Training through research.
  • Sustainable development objectives.
  • Research-action programs for sustainable and learning cities.
  • Participatory science projects of the student experience.
  • Open health projects (e.g. targeting hospitals, caregivers, patients, researchers, e-health).

The project must have a teaching, research, or event outcome that includes UP students in the academic year following the incubation period at the U Lab.


All the pedagogical actors of the University of Paris and partner institutions of IdEx are concerned and can propose projects.


  • A maximum amount of 6 k€ can be allocated per project and per project leader.
  • Only one project per project leader can be selected.


  • Meetings, advice and assistance in project prototyping.
  • Support for educational scripting
  • Filming and audiovisual editing for MOOCs, documentaries or podcasts in the studio
  • Consulting in the development of physical but also digital games including VR at gamelab
  • Advice and development of frugal solutions to the Makerlab.
  • Provision of an operating budget (small equipment, internships).
  • Networking and links with other IDD initiatives.
  • The incubation lasts 6 months and will be structured with meetings and workshops

Submission Procedures

The following incubations will start in October 2022.. To submit your project, simply fill out the online form available by following the link below:

Application form Contact: contact.idd@learningplanetinstitute.org

Selection procedure

The selection of the projects will be made by a committee composed of the management team of the Challenge Institute, and the members assigned to the project. The availability of the candidates during these 6 months is a very important criterion.

U&C Lab
Transformer les contenus et les méthodes pédagogiques de l'université en soutenant les enseignants-chercheurs sur le long terme
Mieux connaître les liens entre les facteurs environnementaux et les maladies pour mieux les prévenir !
Apporter aux professionnel.les de santé des connaissances sur les grands polluants environnementaux, leur mode d'action et les risques connus ou suspectés des facteurs environnementaux sur la santé humaine

A participatory dialogue system inspired by the Citizens' Climate Convention

The Challenge Institute has joined forces with the communications agency Res publica to develop Transform' U, whose objective is to facilitate the emergence of solutions led by the university's stakeholders, and thus better engage them in its transformation. This system proposes a consultation process based on principles and tools designed to be adapted by users to their needs. Its development is based on the combination of two original areas of expertise: the mobilisation of collective intelligence in the academic environment and the implementation of large-scale consultations by Res Publica, thanks to a dedicated exchange platform and tools for leading collaborative dialogue workshops. Each institution determines the working theme(s) it wishes to address, among the recommendations of the European University Initiative and/or the SDGs, as well as the stakeholders that will be mobilised.

Support Universities and HEIs willing to co-design their future transformation
Pair Accompagnateur
Pair Accompagnateur

A co-design experience for a transformation of pedagogy by teachers and students

The Institute of Challenges has joined forces with the expertise of the SAPIENS ASPC pedagogy support service to develop "Pair Accompagnateur", a project that brings together in its prototyping phase 11 teacher-researchers and 6 students from various backgrounds, to conduct an experiment in co-designing the missions of mentors and tutors at the university. These peers, sensitised to a sustainable approach to studies and to improving the student experience, will accompany their colleagues in the field. The aim of this initiative is to facilitate the transformation of university teaching practices by supporting collaboration between teachers and students to co-construct the university of tomorrow, and thus to develop a community of practice and research which, in turn, will be nourished by exchanges between the different communities of the Challenge Institute. In a second phase, this new community of teacher and student peers intends to disseminate and spread this participatory conception of pedagogy to their university ecosystem.